Site Preparation for House Construction

site-preparationSite preparation is one of the first step to be done before starting construction works. It is very important to be prepared such as ready all the materials needed as well to clean the site before the construction process. It consists of clearing away all the trees and grasses from the site and doing whatever rough grading and staking the house location in preparation for installation of the footings and foundation.

The factors to be considered that will affect by the placement of the house includes setbacks and easements, sun’s exposure, driveway, septic tank location, distance to run for utility, trees you want to keep, water sources and electricity sources.


The following are some things to consider during site preparation:

  • Be sure to remove all the brushes or trees if there exists any on the site of construction
  • Trees and grasses should be cut properly and totally uprooted
  • The area should be roughly leveled
  • If there are holes at the area, it should be filled with sands or rammed earth and leveled off
  • Permanent bench marks should be established at a suitable point at the construction site
  • As part of site preparation, it also includes the fixing position of the site office and labor shed as well the access and existing roads for trucks, carts, etc.
  • The location for the storage and stacking of the materials should be also set on the ground in the site properly