How to Apply for the Building Permit

building permitBuilding permit is the authorization of the government to construct either residential or commercial building.  It is official certificate or document of permission issued by local authorities to a builder to construct, enlarge or change the building. It serves as an authorization of a specific structure at a particular site in accordance with the approved specifications and drawings.

The cost of the building permit is dependent on the location of the lot, size of the lot and the size of the floor plan as well as the total estimate cost.

Building permit is also needed when applying special power connection (SPC) to get temporary electric connection. After the house construction, you can apply for the permanent electric connection and occupancy permit in the municipal hall

Requirement to apply for a building permit here in the Philippines:

  1. House Plan sign by duly authorized person such as Architect, Electrical Engineer, Master Electrician and Civil Engineer
  2. Lot Title
  3. Real Property should be paid
  4. Barangay Construction Permit  to be acquired at your Barangay Hall
  5. Vicinity map (optional) depending on your location
    Just visit municipal hall in your place to acquire building permit and bring the requirements as well as necessary fees.  The zooning inspector will visit and evaluate the site of the house. The processing of building permit takes 5 to 10 days depending on your location.