Kitchen Renovation and Extension Estimates

KITCHEN renovation and Extension project

Scope of Works:

  1. Mobilization
  2. Demolition
  3. Layout and excavation
  4. Masonry and Concrete Works
  5. Carpentry Works
  6. Electrical Works
  7. Steel works
  8. Roofing works
  9. Plumbing Works
  10. Housekeeping
  11. Hauling of materials

Total contract amount============Php 340,000

Additional work:

  1. Spandrel dirty kitchen ( 2ft x 23ft), gutter, down spout, flashing and demolition—Php 26,000
  2. Spandrel and flashing (182cm x 300 cm) in front of sliding door——-17,000
  3. Spanderl Pasilyo ( 172 cm x 1170 cm) and demolition and electrical —–48,000
  4. Spandel garage ( 308 cm x 526 cm) and demolition ———- 43,000
  5. Swimming pool ( 3m x 4.4m ) —————-180,000
    Note: Painting, granite , tiles are excluded

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