Things to Consider when Buying a House

buy a houseAre you planning to buy a house?  Some people decided to buy a house so that they may not experience the stress of constructing the house on your own. And it is the easy way to have your own house without so much effort and time. Chances are you are having different brochure looking for a house suited to your budget and your needs.
I see some of my friends regretting the house they bought because they miss to consider the following things:

•    Location
You should choose a location that near to your work, children’s school, market and other place that you need in your daily life including church, hospital, shopping malls, etc.

•    Security
Make sure that the subdivision is secure. Survey that area if the place is safe and conducive to secure living for you and your family

•    Neighborhood
Investigate if the neighborhood is suited to your lifestyle and if it is convenient to live for you and for your family.

•    Developer’s Track Record
It is important to investigate and research for the developer’s record whether they delivered a quality house and in a timely manner.  This is to make sure that your investment is not wasted.

•    Neighbors
Consider knowing your neighbor because once in a while you will getting along with them.  Know their habits if their habits do not disturb you.

•    Features and Accessories of the house
Know what are included in your house such as sliding doors and windows, screen doors, lights and fixtures, closets, kitchen cabinets, faucets, shower and other accessories.  Other than accessories, also verify if the house is fully furnished or not.

•    Property Taxes
Estimate the property tax for your property. Property tax or real estate tax is pay yearly to your city or municipal accessor. It is computed based on the location and size of the house.  The city or municipal accessor will assess to determine the amount of property tax to be paid when ready for occupancy.

•    Monthly Dues
Homeowners association usually charges a monthly due for security, garbage disposal, building maintenance, and other expenses in common areas.

•    Subdivision Rules and Policies
Some subdivision implements rules and policies which residents are expected to follow to.  You should know that if their rules are suited to your lifestyle and you can follow them. These rules include rules on noise, pets, number of occupants, guest, etc.

•    Other’s Cost
Know the other cost that you have to pay aside from the property purchase. This cost includes value added tax, transfer tax, registration fees, documentary stamp tax, and other hidden charges. It is better to ask your agent or developer if there are any charges or other cost that will add to your expenses.

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