Steps to Build your dream house

Most of us are dreaming to have our own home. Dreaming your own house requires a large amount of money so it is important to plan carefully so that you will on the right track.

Here are some steps to achieve your dream house:

1. Set a goal

To achieve something, you have to set your goals. Know what you want to achieve and plan how to achieve your goal. Is your goal can be achieved and how much your goal to achieve.

2. Establish budget

Once you know the cost of your dream house. You can now establish budget. Establishing budget involves how much you can afford and how your budget fits into your dream house. In the Philippines, the cost of house per sqm meter is approximately Php 18,000 to Php 25,000 depending the type and design of the house.

3. Find the location

Choose the right location that is accessible to your work and other establishment like school, hospital, market, church, etc. Check if there is water and electricity supply. Location should also be flood free and safe from unpleasant people. Also, check neighborhood and amenities if it is a subdivision.

4. Finalize your design and floor plan

Decide the type of house as well as the design for your dream house. Determine the size of your dream house by finalizing the floor area of the house such as the size of your master bedroom, kitchen, dining and living room. Get help from architect or draftsman for your house plan and perspective.

5. Choose the right contractor

Choosing the right contractor is very important because they will build your dream house. You should talk to his previous client and visit previous project if they are constructing quality houses. Also, check the contractor if financially stable and can afford to finance a project. Talk to your contractor who will secure for building permit, electrical permit and other documents related to house construction.

6. Supervising your house

Always visit the site and monitor the work of your contractor to check if your contractor is follow the timetable for the project and house plan for your dream house. Check also the materials used in the construction according to the contractual agreement.

7. Move to your dream house.

Enjoy your home and live to the fullest.

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